PARAMADINA PUBLIC POLICY PAPERSWorking papers and reports written by PPPI's researchers and fellows

Mind the Gap: Bridging Science and Policy

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli PPPI Blog, 2 May 2023   Scholars often cry for more science- or evidence-based policymaking, arguing that this approach will effectively solve most, if all, problems in the world. At the same time, however, it, to some extent, emphasizes the existence of an immense gap between science and policy. What is this

Problematika Komunikasi Politik Pendanaan Pembangunan Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara

Abdul Rahman Ma’mun   Abstract This paper discusses the issue of the policy of relocating the National Capital (IKN) which has raised controversy, lawsuits and rejection from some people, even though it has been supported by the IKN Law Number 3 of 2022. The purpose of writing this article is to answer the question of

Innovation principles for the treaty on pandemic preparedness

Joint Declaration, 24 September 2022   We are an informal coalition of think tanks and civil society organisations that believes a robust global framework for the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights will play a key role in ensuring the world is prepared for future pandemics. KEY POINTS IP rights are essential to develop and

The importance of institutional quality: Reviewing the relevance of Indonesia’s Omnibus Law on national competitiveness

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli, Maimanah Mohammed Idris, & Penlope Yaguma Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 24 September 2022     Abstract Institutional quality is significantly relevant in determining national competitiveness when reflected in economic growth and successful development. Quality institutions manifest in robust ‘rules of the game’ reflected by sound governance and policymaking in at

Why patents matter to Indonesia

Paramadina Public Policy Institute and Geneva Network 23 August 2022   With careful reform of its patent law Indonesia can accelerate its transition to a knowledge-based, wealthy economy As the Indonesian economy recovers from Covid, the government is looking to target new sources of economic growth to counter the country’s reliance on natural resources, avoid

Konflik kepentingan dalam regulasi transparansi dan akuntabilitas sumbangan dana kampanye pada pemilu presiden 2019

Abdul Rahman Ma’mun   Abstract This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the regulation on transparency and accountability of campaign fund donations in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections as an effort to limit donations to campaign funds for the 2019 Presidential Election. This study uses a qualitative method with an inductive

POLICY ANALYSES Written by PPPI's policy experts in various publications

Celebrities Running for Legislative Office: Elections Now Resemble Beauty Contests, Raising Questions About Democratic Quality

Adrian A Wijanarko The Conversation Indonesia, Column - 12 June 2024   Various political parties often choose “quick” methods to win the public's favor. One such approach is to nominate celebrities or well-known figures as candidates for legislative positions (caleg). These parties hope that by promoting public figures, they can garner substantial votes in regional

Artis jadi caleg: pemilu kini laksana kontes kecantikan, kualitas demokrasi dipertanyakan

Adrian A Wijanarko The Conversation Indonesia, Kolom - 12 Juni 2024   Berbagai partai politik kerap memilih cara “instan” untuk merebut hati masyarakat. Salah satunya dengan cara mengusung artis-artis maupun figur terkenal tanah air untuk menjadi calon anggota legislatif (caleg). Partai politik berharap pengusungan publik figur dapat membantu mereka meraup banyak suara pada pemilu legislatif (pileg) tingkat daerah dan

Anticipating the Dynamics of Energy Transition in the Prabowo Era

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli, Column, 11 June 2024   The low-carbon economic agenda, particularly accelerating energy transition, is one of the significant commitments of Indonesia's President-elect for 2024-2029, Prabowo Subianto. Various dynamics will undoubtedly accompany this agenda, which must be carefully anticipated. At least, Indonesia's green economic agenda can be traced back to 1998. Politically,

Mengapa korupsi masih marak terjadi?

Adrian A Wijanarko The Conversation Indonesia - 27 Februari 2024   Korupsi masih menjadi masalah besar yang belum bisa ditangani di Indonesia. Dalam survei Agenda Warga yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun lalu, pemberantasan korupsi masuk ke dalam lima besar isu yang dianggap paling mendesak oleh responden. Mengapa korupsi begitu membudaya, siapa saja aktor yang terlibat hingga bagaimana kita

Meninjau Ulang Kepemimpinan Politik Anak Muda

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli, Opini, 13 Desember 2023   Rasanya sering kita mendengar perdebatan apakah anak muda pantas atau bahkan perlu menjadi pemimpin politik. Kata-kata seperti ”ketua parpol muda”, ”bupati/wali kota muda”, bahkan ”capres/cawapres muda” menjadi hangat di berbagai media. Terpilihnya Gibran Rakabuming Raka sebagai cawapres menjadi pemanis paling mutakhir perdebatan ini. Dalam sejarah, betul bahwa para bapak

Transisi Energi Berkeadilan dari Akar Rumput

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli, Opini, 5 April 2023   Meski menjanjikan pembangunan nihil karbon, pendekatan transisi energi berkeadilan di Indonesia baru-baru ini, khususnya yang diprakarsai Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), masih cenderung top-down. Padahal, berbagai riset menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan bottom-up untuk transisi energi adalah keniscayaan. Disetujui di sela-sela penyelenggaraan G20 Bali 2022, Pemerintah Indonesia dengan sekelompok negara maju,

Menagih Pertanggungjawaban Korporasi dalam Menekan Hoax News

Adrian A Wijanarko dan Azriel Gusmansyah  Paramadina Public Policy Review - 24 Maret 2023   Sempat tersebar ke telinga kita berita tentang vaksinasi COVID-19 yang berasal dari bahan haram. Sontak, berita tersebut menyebabkan banyak orang yang pada saat itu ragu untuk melakukan vaksinasi. Padahal pada saat itu Indonesia, bahkan Dunia, sedang dalam situasi dimana pandemi

Pemicu Problem Komunikasi Politik Pendanaan IKN

Abdul Rahman Ma'mun GATRA, Kolom, 16 December 2022   Pemindahan ibu kota dari Jakarta ke Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) Kalimantan Timur dengan nama baru Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) Nusantara makin mendekati kenyataan setelah Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Ibu Kota Negara (UU IKN) disetujui DPR dan ditandatangani Presiden Jokowi Februari 2022. Kabar terbaru, selain

PPPI POLICY REVIEWSParamadina Public Policy Institute's Originals

Lokomotif Teknologi dalam Realita Indonesia

Adrian A Wijanarko Paramadina Public Policy Review - 16 Maret 2022   Presiden Joko Widodo pada satu waktu menyinggung aktivitas yang dilakukan dengan Mark Zuckerberg secara virtual. Presiden sempat menyampaikan bahwa beliau dikagetkan oleh perkembangan metaverse yang dimiliki Facebook dengan dunia virtualnya. Ini tentu bak sebuah hentakan yang membangunkan kita dari tidur lelap kita. Perusahaan-perusahaan

Strengthening Islam’s moderate view in Indonesia and Southeast Asia

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli and Septa Dinata Paramadina Public Policy Review, 14 June 2021   Widely known to the world for its moderate and tolerant Islam, Indonesia is unfortunately known for its religious terrorism-related bomb attacks. The last attack took place in front of the Makassar Cathedral Catholic church last March. While such an act of

Reform momentum: a complex trajectory of Indonesia’s energy subsidy reforms

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli Paramadina Public Policy Review - 9 March 2021   Indonesia’s energy reform trajectory may soon enter a new, critical, yet complex phase, as subsidized fuels may soon be taken out of the market. This incoming reform aligns with countless global policy recommendations that such subsidies could be reallocated for more urgent endeavors

Enlivening Pancasila as Reality, Not Dogma

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli Paramadina Public Policy Review - August 28, 2020   The Indonesian public is relieved by the reading postponement of the Pancasila Ideology Bill, well-known as Haluan Ideologi Pancasila or HIP Bill. The inclusion of the bill in the 2020 National Legislation Program could be procedurally acceptable. But contextually and fundamentally, these efforts

Optimalisasi kebijakan bantuan sosial di negara “yang paling dermawan”

Adrian A Wijanarko Paramadina Public Policy Review - 6 Juni 2020   Hampir tak ada negara yang tak terdampak oleh pandemi COVID-19 yang menghantam secara global pada awal tahun 2020, termasuk Indonesia. Semenjak pasien pertama gejala COVID-19 ditemukan di Jakarta Selatan pada 2 Maret, praktis Indonesia sejak saat itu dalam kondisi yang darurat pandemi. Dampak

How Indonesia’s mandatory mask-wearing during this pandemic can inspire better public policymaking in crises

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli and Ahmad Khoirul Umam Paramadina Public Policy Review - 24 June 2020   If you take the time to stroll around kampong roads in Indonesia, or at least in Java, in this pandemic period, there is an interesting phenomenon. There are many motorcycle riders who wear masks passing by, but not putting