Working papers and reports written by PPPI's researchers and fellows

Mind the Gap: Bridging Science and Policy

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli PPPI Blog, 2 May 2023   Scholars often cry for more science- or evidence-based policymaking, arguing that this approach will effectively solve most, if all, problems in the world. At the same time, however, it, to some extent, emphasizes the existence of an immense gap between science and policy. What is this

Problematika Komunikasi Politik Pendanaan Pembangunan Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara

Abdul Rahman Ma’mun   Abstract This paper discusses the issue of the policy of relocating the National Capital (IKN) which has raised controversy, lawsuits and rejection from some people, even though it has been supported by the IKN Law Number 3 of 2022. The purpose of writing this article is to answer the question of

Innovation principles for the treaty on pandemic preparedness

Joint Declaration, 24 September 2022   We are an informal coalition of think tanks and civil society organisations that believes a robust global framework for the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights will play a key role in ensuring the world is prepared for future pandemics. KEY POINTS IP rights are essential to develop and

The importance of institutional quality: Reviewing the relevance of Indonesia’s Omnibus Law on national competitiveness

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli, Maimanah Mohammed Idris, & Penlope Yaguma Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 24 September 2022     Abstract Institutional quality is significantly relevant in determining national competitiveness when reflected in economic growth and successful development. Quality institutions manifest in robust ‘rules of the game’ reflected by sound governance and policymaking in at

Why patents matter to Indonesia

Paramadina Public Policy Institute and Geneva Network 23 August 2022   With careful reform of its patent law Indonesia can accelerate its transition to a knowledge-based, wealthy economy As the Indonesian economy recovers from Covid, the government is looking to target new sources of economic growth to counter the country’s reliance on natural resources, avoid

Konflik kepentingan dalam regulasi transparansi dan akuntabilitas sumbangan dana kampanye pada pemilu presiden 2019

Abdul Rahman Ma’mun   Abstract This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the regulation on transparency and accountability of campaign fund donations in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections as an effort to limit donations to campaign funds for the 2019 Presidential Election. This study uses a qualitative method with an inductive

Using Minimum Service Standards to Support Education Decentralization: Indonesia’s Experience | REPORT

Asian Development Bank Draft manuscript prepared by Isabella Tirtowaluyo & Totok Amin Soefijanto 2021   Summary Improving the quality of education requires synchronized efforts. The government needs not only clear vision and policy direction, but also solid public support and oversight, effective coordination among stakeholders during implementation, and strong support from all levels of bureaucracy

Navigating policy dilemmas in fuel-subsidy reductions: learning from Indonesia’s experiences

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli, Ine Steenmans & Yacob Mulugetta Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 29 November 2021   Abstract Fuel subsidies are policy instruments that have historically been used to assist the poor in affording energy for essential household activities. The subventions have, however, been the subject of considerable criticism that they in practice exacerbate inequalities

Never become dead mice in the rice barn: the quest for turning nutritious local food into fuel for Indonesia’s HR development

Muhamad Rosyid Jazuli Paramadina Public Policy Review, Working Paper, September 2020   Abstract This paper attempts to discuss valuable momentum on how local foods could fuel Indonesia’s quest for developing quality human resources (HR). By law, Indonesia is expected to be an advanced economy by 2045. However, the current trajectory, especially regarding Indonesia’s current incompetent