In the 80s and 90s, Indonesia was known as “a country of the future”. Today, almost 30 years later, the world’s perception remains. This is simultaneously good and bad news for the country. On one hand, with an abundant natural resources, a young demography, large middle income market, strategic location, and political stability, Indonesia appears to boast a long list of potentials. On the flipside however, the country’s inability to realize these potentials over the last 30 years is clearly evident. We have failed to step up the global value chain and be at par with several more developed countries in the region.
The lack of a sound public policy is one of Indonesia’s major challenges. Various policies, both at the national and sub-national level, have lacked clear direction, coherence, and proper design process.
This is the reason for Paramadina Public Policy Institute (“PPPI”)’s existence. Through various studies and policy recommendations, we strive to promote a sound public policy in Indonesia. Our public discourses envisage to involve people and build a culture of intellectual debate in policy making process.
A unique country like Indonesia tends to make unique problems that require a unique approach to solve. This acknowledgement leads us to believe in the importance of objectivity, credibility, and simplicity of public policy. A good public policy should first of all be objective; it has to serve the interest of the people. It should also be credible, meaning that it is designed based on reliable data and thorough analysis. Last but not least, sound public policy has to be simple, clear, and applicable.
We also understand that public policy involves extensive stakeholders with different perspectives and interests. Due to the challenging environment, improper policy often makes situation worse. Policy makers should carefully take into account the indirect and the direct effects as well as intended and unintended consequences of policies.
Since its establishment in 2010, PPPI has continually advised ministries and high level government institutions. We have also collaborated with various international and national donors, corporations, and civil society organizations. These collaborations enable us to keep refining our approach, improving our capacity, and widening our network. More importantly, they have strengthened our belief on the importance of a public policy think tank in Indonesia and the difference it can make.
We realize that enabling Indonesia to explore her great potentials is a huge undertaking. In this regard, collaboration among institutions and individuals are a key success factor. We at PPPI truly understand this. We would like to invite you or your institution to collaborate in this exciting endeavor.
Best regards,
Wijayanto Samirin, MPP.
Co-Founder and Head Advisor