Paramadina Public Policy Institute Team

(Wijayanto Samirin, Bima P. Santosa, Abdul Rahman Ma’mun, Adi Damar Prasetya, Yulita Windayani, Lukman Wirianto)



The ever-increasing use of internet, the availability of websites, easier access to information and sophisticated gadgets are considered as blessings to those looking for information. On the other hand, ministries and state agencies as information provider are becoming more open in providing information as part of their mandate stated by Act No.14/2008 and part of the responsibilities to the public. Provision and Improvement of the websites of government institutions are in line with the current “civilization” working everywhere in the world including Indonesia.

The use of internet in various fields including social, economy, culture, politics and other fields of interest refuse to be left behind government and state governance practices. State governance has also contributed to the use of internet as media to deliver information and to bridge communication between the state and its citizens. This philosophy underlies the emergence of Program on Improving Ministries and Agencies Website for Budget Transparency (here in after IMAGES) in 2013 and 2014.

The program serves as initial step to encourage information transparency in budgeting and performance of ministries and state agencies through their website. It is by any chance anomalous if the Government has not fully employed access to virtual world and their supporting instruments and gadgets to communicate and provide information on their budget and performance to the community. The forefront of all measures taken to use internet in governance practices is websites of government institutions and state agencies.

The program was facing several challenges including bureaucratic practices in ministries and state agencies hindering effective change and improvement of their websites. However, not all ministries and state institutions involved are highly bureaucratic.

IMAGES witnesses several efficient and effective activities performed by the ministries and state agencies in improving website of their institutions (best practices), including conducting training and internal coordination resulting in awareness in communication and collaboration among three parties involved in web management of government institutions namely Information and Documentation Manager (PPID), Public Relation Division, and Information Technology Division. (*)


Program Improving Ministries and Agencies Website for Budget Transparency (IMAGES), yang didukung oleh para akademisi, organisasi masyarakat sipil, media dan pemerintah adalah sebuah inisiatif yang memiliki tujuan untuk membantu K/L menyediakan, menampilkan dan mengelola informasi kinerja & anggaran dalam situs webnya. Program ini juga memiliki tujuan mendorong peran serta masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan situs web K/L tersebut untuk kepentingannya.

Setelah dua tahun berjalan, program IMAGES telah membuat laporan baik kinerja program dan tentang e-Transparency Award yang merupakan acara pemberian penghargaan atas keterbukaan anggaran dan keterbukaan informasi Kinerja 47 K/L.

Melalui pemberian penghargaan e-Transparency Award ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu penyajian informasi, kemutakhiran informasi, transparansi kinerja dan transparansi anggaran K/L dengan memanfaat perkembangan teknologi digital, sehingga tercipta pemerintahan yang bersih, akuntabel dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.

FINAL REPORT dari program ini bisa diunduh di tautan bawah ini.